General Trauma (adult and pediatric)

Effective treatment for adult and pediatric trauma often requires medical services, such as medication management and specialized therapies. Mental health professionals and medical providers work together to provide comprehensive care and support to individuals impacted by trauma.

  1. Clavicle fracture
  2. Shoulder fractures and dislocations
  3. Humerus/Arm fracture
  4. Elbow fractures and dislocations
  5. Forearm fracture
  6. Wrist fractures and dislocations
  7. Fractures of the fingers and small bones
  8. Perilunate dislocation
  9. Fractures of the Pelvis
  10. Hip fractures and dislocations
  11. Femur fracture
  12. Knee fractures and dislocations, Patellar fractures
  13. Tibia-fibula fracture
  14. Ankle fractures and dislocations
  15. Foot and toes fracture
  16. Calcaneal fracture

and many more upper extremity musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions…

Clinic Schedules

University of Cebu Medical Center (UCMed)

  • Dr Pierre Mella – MWF 10-3pm
  • Dr Claire Marie D. Mella – TTH 1pm -3pm
  • Dr. Reneil Jay I. Peña TTH 10am -12nn

Chong Hua Hospital Mandaue

  • Dr. Pierre Mella – By Appoinment
  • Dr. Claire Marie D. Mella – 11am -1pm
  • Dr. Reneil Jay I. Peña – 1pm – 4pm

Asian Orthopedics

  • Dr Pierre Mella – Mon-Sat 8AM-5pm
  • Dr Claire Marie D. Mella – Mon-Sat 8AM-5pm
  • Dr. Reneil Jay I. Peña – Mon-Sat 8AM-5pm